How Often Should You Deep Clean Your Business

vacuuming tan colored carpet during a deep clean

Businesses and public places can build up a lot of dirt and germs from the high traffic they see. Regular cleaning and maintenance certainly helps, but it can be important to deep clean your business too. Deep cleanings can get off layers of dirt and build up that regular cleaning cannot. Setting a deep cleaning…

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What is Better for Your Business: Day or Night Cleaning?

man working in an office late at night with lights shut off except for the laptop at his desk

After you’ve made the decision to use a commercial cleaning company, comes the task of deciding when to have them clean. Many companies offer both day and night cleaning options to accommodate for all business types and schedules. For some the decision is about budget, while for others it is about containing mess during peak…

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Commercial Cleaning in Grand Rapids

view of the Grand Rapids skyline featuring the blue water bridge

Keeping a business clean can be hard. Especially in the ever-changing weather of West Michigan. Putting the weight of cleaning tasks on yourself and your employees can only make day to day work more stressful. That is where the help of a commercial cleaning company comes in. Kleen Office Environments is your go-to company for…

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The Benefits of Office Spring Cleaning

note on white paper reading spring in script on table with white roses scattered around

The warm weather of spring has started to hit the Michigan shores. Fresh spring air is creeping its way into office buildings. This means it’s time to start thinking spring cleaning and new beginnings. Spring cleaning can be a great time to start fresh in your office and make things new again!  Spring is the…

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The Changes in Grand Rapids Commercial Cleaning Services due to COVID-19

It is no secret COVID-19 has changed many aspects of life. From day-to-day operation to the way clients interact the business sector has seen a huge shift. The cleaning industry is no different. As our clients have had to change to keep their employees and customers safe, we have made changes to meet those needs.…

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Step by Step Bathroom Cleaning Guide

restroom and bathroom cleaning

Bathrooms are one of the most important places at any business to keep clean. They are one of the most harshly judged places by visitors and their cleanliness is vital to visitor and employee health. Keeping your bathrooms hygienic and tidy is key to the cleanliness of your building. At Kleen Office Environments we know…

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How to Find a Reliable Cleaning Company

checklist for choosing a commercial cleaning company

Maintaining a clean business space is important to any business owner. Unfortunately, there just isn’t always enough time to clean and run the day to day of a business. Hiring a cleaning company can be a great way to take the weight of cleaning off of your shoulders. Finding a reliable cleaning company can be…

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Preventing ‘Slip & Fall’ Lawsuits at Your Business

stopping lawsuits with proper precautions

The last thing any business owner or manager wants to happen is a customer or employee falling and getting hurt. Every business pride’s themselves on being safe and welcoming to all who enter. Even the slightest accident can be detrimental to their reputation and no one wants to see a valued customer hurt. On top…

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Easy Ways to Keep Your Office Staff Healthy

office worker drinking coffee in healthy office

Good health has been on everyone’s mind for months now. Between the pandemic and flu season there has never been a better time to encourage a healthy lifestyle in your office! Having a healthy staff means having a happier staff and more productive staff! Keeping a whole building of people healthy at the same time…

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The 5 Spots Most Businesses Forget to Clean

spots forgotten when cleaning

The day-to-day life of running a business can get busy. It can be hard enough to keep up on the daily tasks, let alone find time for cleaning. Hopefully, you’ve found a good cleaning team to stand behind you and take care of the cleaning. Just in case we want to help make things easier…

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