How Often Should You Deep Clean Your Business

vacuuming tan colored carpet during a deep clean

Businesses and public places can build up a lot of dirt and germs from the high traffic they see. Regular cleaning and maintenance certainly helps, but it can be important to deep clean your business too. Deep cleanings can get off layers of dirt and build up that regular cleaning cannot. Setting a deep cleaning schedule and knowing when to perform a deep clean can help keep your business running smoothly and efficiently.

Deep Clean vs. Regular Clean

What is the difference between a deep clean and your everyday cleaning? If you are keeping up on your regular cleaning schedule, why do you need a deep cleaning? Regular cleaning can get rid of surface level dust and debris and keep your business organized. Deep cleaning goes beyond the surface to remove stains and allergens, refinish floors, disinfect all surfaces, and much more. A deep clean will extend to things like air vents, office equipment, and thorough cleaning of high traffic areas. While regular cleanings can keep your business maintained and running properly and deep clean can help it run efficiently and prevent harmful build up. 

Why Deep Clean?

A good deep cleaning can get rid of all kinds of debris and germ build up in many unseen and forgotten places. Places like air vents, keyboards, door handles, and furniture can be perfect places for bacteria to hide. A regular cleaning schedule can help keep some build up down but cannot get to every nook and cranny. A deep cleaning takes longer than and reaches more than a routine cleaning. 

How Often Should You Deep Clean Your Business?

Your deep cleaning schedule will depend on the size of your business and amount of traffic it sees. We highly recommend deep cleaning every business biannually and at minimal once a year. A busy office or commercial space that sees a high amount of foot traffic may need a deep clean monthly or bimonthly. A professional cleaning service like Kleen Office Environments can help you evaluate your business and find a cleaning schedule that works for you. Deep cleaning your business biannually after the harsher seasons can help keep it in pristine shape and functioning at optimal standards. 
At Kleen Office Environments we can help you set a deep cleaning schedule and perform all of your deep cleaning tasks. We’ve been in the cleaning business for over 20 years and can’t wait to help you keep your business clean and inviting. For more information on our services visit our website or contact us today!