Commercial Carpet Cleaning: A Neccessity

Some business owners think of commercial carpet cleaning as simply a necessary expense. They want their office setting to look nice for staff and clients, but it is seen as a maintenance task. It is, but there’s a real Return on Investment (ROI) in doing it as well.
The first and most direct reason is the longevity of your carpet. Dirt particle buildup actually damages carpet fibers as they set in and people walk on them over long periods of time. Some contaminants rub against the fibers and cause them to weaken. Regular vacuuming and carpet shampooing keep the fibers strong.
So commercial carpet cleaning allows us to get more years out of the carpet, right? Absolutely it does! Plus, if you have ever had to tear old carpet out to re-carpet a space, you know how the planning process can be and how disruptive it is to empty all desks, furniture, desks, and other items from the room. When it is an office space, that means employees can’t be as productive with the added commotion.
Regular Carpet Cleaning Can Help Prevent Absences
Staff suffering from illness and allergies takes a toll on productivity of businesses every year. In fact, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that 70-80% of workplace illnesses are transmitted through personal contact, or by contact with common items everyone interacts with.
Germs and allergens love to hide out in carpet. Every time someone walks on the carpet it stirs them up into the air. The same CDC report indicated that proper carpet and office cleaning can in fact cut absences by up to 50%! Not to mention, the improved laser like focus caused by eliminating allergens. Eye and nose irritants may not cause someone to call in sick, but trying to get work done with all that going on is really distracting. That lack of focus can lead to errors or simply inferior work, with the worst part being that it can all be avoidable.
Keeping the surfaces clean is important, too, however keeping the floors and carpets clean is significant for two reasons:
1. Carpet fibers hold on to dirt, allergens, and dust more than smooth surfaces do
2. Who knows exactly where anyone else has walked prior to that carpeted office space, so those bacteria and acids can be tracked into those locations as well.
Using a regular commercial carpet cleaning service keeps your staff healthier, your production tighter, and allows you to get more years out of your carpeting. Contact us today to set up a consultation and keep your carpets attracting business, not illness or allergies!

Source: New feed