How Often Should Medical Offices be Cleaned?

female doctor sitting at a desk with computer talking to a young patient sitting next to her

Medical offices require a different type and level of cleaning compared to other offices. They see a much higher amount of foot traffic and more germs than other offices. This all means a specialized cleaning schedule, but just how often should you clean your medical office? Medical Office Cleaning General Cleaning Like any other office,…

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The Difference Between Sanitizing and Disinfecting

restroom and bathroom cleaning

When cleaning any facility health is always key, but did you know there are two different levels of cleanliness? Sanitizing and disinfecting are both important in the cleaning process and key tools to be used but are often used interchangeably when in fact they describe two different levels of cleaning. Let’s take a look at…

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Choosing a Medical Office Cleaning Company

medical cleaning

Choosing a cleaning company for your medical office can be a stressful task. It’s important to be able to rely on the chosen company and know all the required tasks are being accomplished. The priority should be ensuring your needs are met and all tasks are completed during each cleaning. Make sure the task list…

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