Maintaining a Clean Office: Why It Matters

An office is more than just a workspace. It’s a place where employees come together to collaborate, create, and produce meaningful work. A clean office can help foster a positive work environment and increase productivity, while a messy office can have the opposite effect. In this blog post, we’ll explore the importance of a clean…

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Commonly Missed Cleaning Areas

cleaning supplies set on a cupboard.

Cleaning can be a big task, especially when it’s added on top of a normal workday. This can lead to missing or passing over many seemingly little things. Commercial cleaning services can help you make sure these commonly missed cleaning areas are never forgotten. Here are some of the most missed areas to remember for…

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How to Tell if Your Business is Clean

open sign hanging in business window

Summer is here and customers are out and about. The last few years have made consistent schedules and in person purchases difficult, but consumers are back and ready. This means more traffic in your business regardless of the type. Making sure your business is clean can make a world of difference in customer satisfaction and…

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The Three Levels of Clean

When hiring a cleaning company one of the most important things to discuss is the level of clean your office or building requires. This can help your cleaning company determine the right schedule and service for you. We’ve broken it down into three levels of clean to help you decide which is best for your…

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How to Limit Dust Mites in Your Business

Dust can cause all kinds of problems for a business. From allergies to aesthetic looks it can wreak havoc on your building. Dust mites are small microbes, insect-like beings that live in dust. They produce most of the allergens related to dust and cause problems for employees and customers alike. Thousands can live in places…

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How Often Should You Schedule Office Cleaning?

calendar open to January with a pair of glasses laying on top while business sets a cleaning schedule

Professional cleaning services have many benefits. Hiring a professional service takes the pressure off of your staff and ensures optimal cleanliness. But how often should you be cleaning your office. It can be hard to determine a cleaning schedule, but our professionals are here to help.  How Often Should You Schedule Office Cleaning There are…

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Tips For Cleaning with a Hybrid Work Schedule

man sitting in orange lounge chair using laptop working a hybrid work schedule

The past few years have been nothing if not challenging. From new mandates and health concerns it’s all been overwhelming. Keeping your office clean was already hard enough, but now it is even more difficult. With employees working hybrid schedules setting a cleaning schedule can be difficult. We’re here to help give you some tips…

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How Germs Spread in Your Office Building

a man sitting at a desk with laptop open blowing his nose with tissues all over the desk

Winter may be a beautiful time of year, but it is also the season of sickness and germs. During the winter colds, flu bugs, and more make their way through office buildings, schools and communities. This means work delays and staff shortages. Knowing how germs spread in your office building can help you prevent the…

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How Commercial Cleaning Companies Estimate Cost

a man and woman sitting at a table looking over pricing sheets for a cleaning cost estimate

The cost of cleaning companies can vary even within the same town. Low offers can raise a red flag as to the level of cleaning, but high prices don’t guarantee a higher level of clean either. Knowing what goes into a cleaning company’s estimate can help you determine which company to choose.  How Commercial Cleaning…

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Are you ready for Holiday Office Clean Up?

group of employees gathered behind a desk with computer and phone on it celebrating the holidays

It’s the start of the holiday season and time to get your office holiday ready! Time to decorate accordingly and welcome high traffic numbers. This also means it’s time for holiday office clean up. Let the professionals at Kleen Office Environments help you get ready. Holiday Office Clean Up Decorations The holidays are a cheerful…

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