Cleaning Your Business During the Holidays

cleaning your office for the holidays

Cleaning your business is important no matter the time of year. The holidays can add an extra level of cleaning to your routine though. It is important to take all aspects of the holiday fun into consideration when planning your business’s cleaning routine. Knowing the ins and outs of holiday cleaning can help your cleaning team prepare for cleaning your business. There is plenty of extra cleaning to be done around the holidays. Follow our holiday cleaning tips to come up with the best list for keeping your business clean for the holidays.


One of the most obvious obstacles added during the holiday season are decorations. Decorations are beautiful and add make your building festive. It is important to discuss them with your cleaning team ahead of time. This way your team will know how much extra cleaning they will need to implement during the season. Needles from trees and wreaths will need to be swept or vacuumed. Christmas displays need extra dusting. You may even need to clean around large displays. It’s important to remember these decorations can add time to you cleaning team’s day.


During the holidays, many companies hold special sales or company parties. Both of these may require extra preparation and clean up. Sales often mean higher foot traffic. Both parties and sales can lead to more trash, special decoration/signage, and more. Discuss these events with your team to come up with a plan to make clean up easy and smooth.


The holiday season also means winter. Here in Michigan that often means snow, salt, and slush. All of these things can be damaging to your business’s floors. Being ready for the winter build up can save you money and keep your business looking great. Implement extra floor cleaning early on. Clean floors more often and more thoroughly to keep them looking good and customer ready.


The holiday season is also germ season. It’s important to clean and disinfect this year more than ever. Make sure you come up with a plan to keep your business both clean and healthy with your cleaning team. A professional cleaning service can help you meet any cleaning requirements. They will guide you through keeping your business safe and healthy for employees and customers alike.

Cleaning your business during the holiday season can add extra work, but with the right preparation it doesn’t have to be stressful. At Kleen Office Environments we have over 20 years of commercial cleaning experience. We can help keep your business looking festive and clean. For more information check out our services on our website or contact us at 616-889-3720 !